As Meyerowitz notes: "It seemed to me that the French liken the twilight to the notion of the tame and the savage, the known and the unknown, where that special moment of the fading of the light offers us an entrance into the place where our senses might fail us slightly, making us vulnerable to the vagaries of our imagination."
Soon to be on show at the Howard Greenberg Gallery from 7 September until 21 October 2017, most of the photographs are from a time when Meyerowitz was spending summers on Cape Cod and had just begun working with an 8x10 view camera.
"My whole way of seeing was both challenged and refreshed. I found that time became a greater element in my work. The view camera demands longer exposures, and I began looking into the oncoming twilight and seeing things that the small cameras either couldn’t handle or didn't present in significant enough quality,” Meyerowitz explains. "What seems of more value to me now, 30 years later, is how that devotion to the questions back then taught me to see in a new and simpler way."
A new book, Joel Meyerowitz: Where I Find Myself: A Lifetime Retrospective, will be published in January 2018 by Laurence King. To find out more about Joel Meyerowitz, visit joelmeyerowitz.com.
All images copyright Joel Meyerowitz, courtesy Howard Greenberg Gallery | Main image: Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 1984
Florida, 1979 | Copyright Joel Meyerowitz, courtesy Howard Greenberg Gallery
Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 1984 | Copyright Joel Meyerowitz, courtesy Howard Greenberg Gallery
The Old Cathedral and the Arch, St. Louis, Missouri, 1977 | Copyright Joel Meyerowitz, courtesy Howard Greenberg Gallery
Provincetown, Massachusetts, 1977 | Copyright Joel Meyerowitz, courtesy Howard Greenberg Gallery
Truro, Massachusetts, 1976 | Copyright Joel Meyerowitz, courtesy Howard Greenberg Gallery
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